Sunday, January 6, 2008

Fut Gar Kung Fu at Kin Mon Sil Lum Gung Fu

I discovered a site for the Kin Mon Sil Lum Gung Fu school and am happy to see another school that was teaching Fut Gar Kung Fu as part of their curriculum. It was interesting to watch their videos - their first form was a version of Siu Lin Wan and their second form was a version of Maang Fu Ha San. A look at their forms also shows that their system included most of the forms in the Fut Gar style. Chen Rong En has mentioned this school in the past and actually visited Sifu Wong in San Francisco (I believe) years ago.

It is very interesting to note that although Grandmaster Chen Rong En is the known as the head of the Fut Gar style of Kung Fu and he actively tries to keep in contact with others from Leung Tin Chiu's lineage, there are probably others that we are not aware of that teach the style as part of their curriculum.

If you watch the videos on this site, please keep in mind that it is clear that the person demonstrating the forms is slowing them down for the video. I just wanted to share the information from this school as I found it.


Unknown said...

Check this out !!

SifuChow said...

I love Kung Fu Hustle as well!!!