Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fut Gar Flying Dragon Staff - YouTube

Here are a couple of YouTube videos of some people training on Flying Dragon Staff techniques. This is the most famous staff form in the Fut Gar style and was known as the "King of Staff Forms" in China. The person may or may not be a Fut Gar person but those that know the form will see the techniques here.

I encourage my students to view these videos for interest and to see some interesting uses of the staff techniques...I agree with some and disagree with some but remember that I always teach that a technique that is incorrect in theory becomes correct if you can prove/execute it successfully in a fighting situation. They identify the people in the videos but I don't know them. If they were serious Fut Gar practitioners, Sigung will know them so I will try to remember to ask him.

I am not sure if it is for demo/practice purposes but I can't stop wondering why the people are getting knocked down or off balance so I missing a rock that they keep tripping on? I also wonder why they allow themselves to be locked up by a is not a joint lock where you have to break out, you can let go of the staff before the opponent has levered you into the ground. Hopefully they were happily playing along with the training and not hanging on to the staff for dear life just because they didn't know what to do.

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