Friday, December 11, 2009

Our Newest Instructors

I would like to offer congratulations to the newest instructors of The National Fut Gar Kung Fu Training Centre. A few weeks ago I had the honour of naming 2 new instructors to teach our Kung Fu system. I'm sure that they will make me proud as they pass on their knowledge and thirst for learning to future students. Each of these instructors accomplished something of special significance to the school.

Silvia Castellarin became the first female instructor with her promotion. Those that have trained for any significant time in Kung Fu will know that this is a very rare accomplishment.

Jason Chin
is our first instructor from students at our current location. He also is the fastest to reach the rank of instructor with our school.

Congratulations to both of you!!!!

1 comment:

James said...

Three loud cheers (each) for Sylvia & Jason!